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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereIdeas → DUDA-PAYMENT

Posted May 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m.

Hola, más que una idea, es una duda que tengo, y no sabía en que parte del foro colocarla... Perdón si no es el lugar indicado.

Mi duda es la siguiente: quiero donar en moonID dinero ya que estoy jugando a KnightFight... Soy un usuario de Argentina... y no me quedó claro si en la solapa de PAYMENT cuando me figura esto:

Total a pagarARS 11Producto250 moonCOINsTiempo de procesamientoHasta 1 día hábil

Son DOLARES o PESOS... ya que si son dolares no quisiera donar, pero si se refieren a pesos argentinos estaría interesado...

Gracias por la atención, espero respuesta.

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Posted May 23, 2020, 6:14 a.m.


Hello, more than an idea, it is a question I have, and I did not know where in the forum to post it ... Sorry if it is not the right place.

My question is the following: I want to donate money on moonID since I am playing KnightFight ... I am a user from Argentina ... and it is not clear to me if in the PAYMENT tab when this appears:

Total to pay ARS 11 Product 250 moonCOINs Processing time Up to 1 business day

They are DOLLARS or PESOS ... since if they are dollars, I would not want to donate, but if they face interested Argentine pesos ...

Thanks for your attention, I await a response.

Posted May 23, 2020, 7:22 p.m.


Hello, more than an idea, it is a question I have, and I did not know where in the forum to post it ... Sorry if it is not the right place.

My question is the following: I want to donate money on moonID since I am playing KnightFight ... I am a user from Argentina ... and it is not clear to me if in the PAYMENT tab when this appears:

Total to pay ARS 11 Product 250 moonCOINs Processing time Up to 1 business day

They are DOLLARS or PESOS ... since if they are dollars, I would not want to donate, but if they face interested Argentine pesos ...

Thanks for your attention, I await a response.

Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 25, 2020, 7:11 a.m.

I'll move it to the right area later :)
We had written extensively and I hope I could help you there :)

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