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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereAnnouncements → Looking for knight

Posted Nov. 22, 2020, 4:53 p.m.

Are knight swaps still allowed in KF?
As in I'm looking for a knight on INT4 to be able to play with the higher levels there.
And there's someone that has a knight there they aren't playing anymore.

I don't know of anyone, just wondering if it's allowed and if there's someone willing to donate a INT4 knight :D

Patti CRATR.games
Posted Nov. 23, 2020, 8 a.m.
Edited by Patti Nov. 23, 2020, 8 a.m.

Getting a knight as a present is of course allowed :)
you could ask here in the German section: https://moonid.net/forums/de/21/

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Posted Nov. 23, 2020, 12:39 p.m.

I just saw something, can knights be switched from realms?

For instance I have a UK6 account I coiuld switch to INT4 and play it. UK6 is a dead server :(

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted Nov. 23, 2020, 7:35 p.m.

Tommelchen decides, but unfortunately this can take a few months as moving is a lot of work.

Posted Nov. 25, 2020, 1:44 a.m.

So if I have a high level Uk6 account and a high level US1 account(both dead servers) I could ask them to be moed to another active server?
I don't really care about the server as long as it's active and has competition.

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted Nov. 25, 2020, 9:40 a.m.

please open a support ticket, so that I can forward it to Tommelchen.

Regards Patti

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