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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereAnnouncements → MonstersGame extensive update of the game

Patti CRATR.games
Posted July 10, 2023, 6:27 p.m.
Edited by Patti July 10, 2023, 6:29 p.m.

Dear MonstersGame community,

the launch of MonstersGame Blood & Flesh was only possible with an extensive update of the game. Here are the changes so far:

  • One unified code base for all game worlds
  • TLS and HTTP/2 support
  • Blood drops can now be found in the graveyard
  • Have you noticed the new MonstersGame favicons?
  • Better arrangement for the tab titles
  • German text corrections by a person who would like to remain anonymous
  • Achievement names are now displayed next to its progress bar
  • Better update progress page instead of a generic "HTTP 502 Bad Gateway" error
  • Removal of workarounds for Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash and other things that no longer have any relevance
  • Super fast caching of static content (eg. images or CSS)
  • ... and around 200 smaller fixes

We thank all players for their support and patience!

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