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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereDiscussions → When will the armor penalty be removed?

Posted Sept. 30, 2023, 9:11 p.m.

It's a matter of 3 minutes of programmer work - removing the appropriate formula in the game code. And this problem, which has been raised by many players for years, is ignored by the game producer.

We have (maybe?) freedom and equality in choosing the development of a knight build. Whether it's 2h, armored 1h, or tank - it's my conscious decision and I can't be punished for it.

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Posted Oct. 1, 2023, 12:49 p.m.

When you say remove the armour penalty - do you mean for real turtle builds?

I personally wouldn't want that - at high levels a turtle 1H is uncrackable, so you end up with loads of undecided fights, they can hoard coins at will and have a massive advantge in progression as a result.

That was why the penalty was added in the first place.

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Posted Oct. 1, 2023, 10:15 p.m.

When you say remove the armour penalty - do you mean for real turtle builds?

How many of these turtles do you have at higher levels? 3.4 on the server?

Not only turtles receive a penalty, but also those players with 100 armor points and 80 weapon points.

I personally wouldn't want that - at high levels a turtle 1H is uncrackable, so you end up with loads of undecided fights, they can hoard coins at will and have a massive advantge in progression as a result.

You train more strength and fighting ability, and you will break through. What a problem?

at high levels a turtle 1H is uncrackable

but at low levels, 2h players are uncrackable for 1h. Player 2h with statistics (20,20,5,20,20) will easily win against player 1h (30,30,30,30,30), who must also train dexterity, buy armor and shield(more cost). Player 1h must hit the opponent 2,3 times more to make up for the loss of damage from 1 accidental hit. Can't you see that?

Posted Oct. 2, 2023, 11:19 a.m.

I'm not saying that the situation is perfect - but lvl 150+ 1h builds with all in armour and high dex are uncrackable.

Doesn't matter what your STR or FA is, there comes a point when the max available 2H weapon damage is less than the defense values and that's why they put the penalty in.

We don't have any turtles left on our server, as they nerf'd the build years ago ;)

And for the same money spent on stats/equipment, at high levels 1H are stronger even now. "h get it easier in the early game, 1H get it easier in the late game.....

Again not saying it's ideal, and there are plans for some sort of re-balancing, but unless there's significant tweaks to items, I don't see the penalty being revoked myself.
(as an FYI, I've got the "worst" build until I max out 2H - armoured 2H build, so I know all about having to pump stats to make up for build deficencies)

Grimm Moderator
Posted Oct. 11, 2023, 6:31 p.m.

If it was a matter of 3 minutes, this would have been off the table long ago. Unfortunately, the reality is different.

The issue has not been forgotten, of course, and the staff responsible for it are doing what they can. It has its reasons why some things take longer than we would like.

As a player I can totally understand you, I also switched from 1H to 2H because it was simply more profitable for me that way. But when the rework comes at some point you can simply redistribute your skill points. I will do that again :)

Posted Oct. 9, 2023, 2:38 a.m.

I see no probelm with turtle builds when 2H players are given a clear advantage over 1H lol

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Posted Oct. 9, 2023, 2:32 p.m.

Only in the beginning.....

a lvl 192 1H knight on the BG, has spent 20M gold less than me on their stats, and has higher combined dam+defense.

If they'd spent the same gold + I'd got the equivalent equipment as their level, they would still have higher figures.

Not saying the low level 2H advantage isn't a big one - but it doesn't persist!

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Posted Oct. 10, 2023, 11:27 p.m.

There is only like one person on each server with that kind of level. Everyone else, especially those that dont buy stats with money, are at a clear disadvantage being 1H players. I have played extremely regularly since 2017 and have base 90 stats at level 30.

Posted Oct. 11, 2023, 1:35 p.m.

Lot more players higher level on the older servers, on the BG I'm only 398th place at lvl 178.... (been playing 10 years longer - but spent a lot of my early time keeping my level low purposefully so I could farm more gold while the server was more active)

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