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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereAnnouncements → KnightFight: Steinhall

cvd CRATR.games
Posted Feb. 28, 2024, 6:52 p.m.

We have a winner: Steinhall is the name of the new KnightFight world. Thanks to all the idea providers.

Unfortunately, we still have a showstopper and have to postpone the launch date once again. To make sure it works out, it will finally be Friday, March 15th at 6pm UTC.
I apologize for the postponement, I have to take the blame for that. The good thing is that we now have another two weeks to activate more players.

Either way, our Valentine's promo ends today. There will be no more promo before the launch.

Thank you for your loyalty. See you soon in Steinhall!

KnightFight Steinhall

#Steinhall #newworld

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Posted Feb. 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.

Dear friends, the name "Steinhall" fits the new server very well, especially with such fantastic graphics ;)

However, I would like to know what "Steinhall" means. It's a German name, right? I would be grateful for more information ;)

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cvd CRATR.games
Posted Feb. 29, 2024, 1:13 p.m.

Thank you!
Strein stands for Stone, so it stands for Stonehall.
But letsl ask the creatror, perhaps there is something deeper German behind.

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