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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereAnnouncements → KnightFight: Call of the Kingdoms

Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 3, 2024, 5:55 p.m.

Dear Knights,
We are pleased to announce that we will allow you to move to another world under the following conditions:

  • The character is located on an old game world with a start date before 2017
  • The target world is INT1 to INT4
  • The player does not have another character on the target world
  • The character's account must not exceed the highest character level of the target world
  • There is no retreat
  • The move costs 4,000 MoonCoins once
  • Register now via the Ticket System
  • Promotion runs from now until May 08, after which the move will take place

KnightFight Travel worlds

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Posted May 4, 2024, 12:39 p.m.

could we know where most players will go to so that I don't move to a world where no one will go to and still be on a dead server?

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 4, 2024, 5:16 p.m.

We deliberately chose these worlds because they are still very active. (except now int6 which is of course new)

Posted May 4, 2024, 9:22 p.m.

We were (amoungst the players) allready fot a long time talking about this possibility....
It would be interesting for the players and also interesting for Cratr: more selling of moon coins.
But 4,000 for only the move.....????
That's quit a lot Patti.
It should be for free, just like the Battle server.
And you know, your investment will be good, because on a living server there will be spent more....

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Posted May 7, 2024, 10:21 a.m.

Why don´t you apply at cratr and do it yourself for free then ;)

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Posted May 7, 2024, 1:32 p.m.

Very accurate comment, you missed the point as far as possible <clap clap clap>

Posted May 7, 2024, 1:38 p.m.

No, you are missing the point. You think everything in life is for free. So, why don´t you work for free than?

Posted May 7, 2024, 4:13 p.m.

Where did I say/claim/think that everything is for free?

The point is that there were 100 servers (~10 active players per each) and they opened another one (celebrating like 4th July), and now looks like they want to reduce number of 'active' servers, but to make costs held by the users (so, trying to squeeze as much as possible at make NOTHING new) - either you pay or play on server more dead than ever

Posted May 8, 2024, 6:29 a.m.

No, they did that, because players asked to be able to move to other servers. But moving costs time for the resposible person and that person also wants to be paid for the work. I was in other games that made moves possible and nowhere was it for free.

Posted May 5, 2024, 10:37 a.m.

We've been wishing for more activity for years. Basically, we think the game is ok, otherwise we would have disappeared long ago despite the long wait for small updates. However, we still get the feeling that you're not listening to us properly and are making the wrong efforts.

We said quite clearly that the international worlds were pushed too much by the bug at the time. But now we have exactly these worlds to choose from and at a price that the majority of players will never pay. Players who are already considering whether they should even buy Premium because the game is simply no longer worth it to them. Unfortunately, you are missing the mark.

Delete the inactive accounts on all worlds that have not been online for more than 5 years. Reduce the number of worlds to three. And add a mechanism that allows us to switch between worlds once a month for 1000MoonCoins. Let the players have as many accounts as there are worlds minus one, so that there can be no multis. The handful of players who were unfairly given a skill and level advantage must be adjusted to the average.

All rights in this game are yours!
We need big changes and a leadership that shows courage.

What's more, we were promised new equipment by Steinhall at the start of the world, the one-hand player is still far too weak and I'd rather not say a word about Patti's embarrassing "fight events". Organizing decent server wars is not difficult. Your (still) loyal community has shown you how to do it several times in the past.

It's a pity that you are not transparent towards us.

I ask for a reply from CvD.
Thank you.

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Posted May 7, 2024, 1:23 p.m.

And what did you expect? As long as "payers" will pay, nothing will change xd

Posted May 6, 2024, 12:50 p.m.

Crazy idea ... how about a server merger?
Grab 5-10 servers and make them 1 server.

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 6, 2024, 12:56 p.m.

thank you for your feedback, we have just thought about this option, but technically this is not too easy to solve, firstly there is a predefined ID range and also that some players also play on several worlds and certainly nobody wants to lose their account.
That's why we decided in favour of this option, as everyone is free to decide which accounts they want to move or not.

Greetings Patti

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Posted May 8, 2024, 6:27 a.m.

Perfect solution.

Posted May 6, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

mi dispiace,ma 4000 moon coins sono esagerati,da premettere che io gioco in 4 server i miei pg sono sempre attivi,spendendo parecchio in moon coins,ed ora per trasferire uno dei pg attivo dovrei spendere anche altro denaro l'alternativa e delettare ok

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 6, 2024, 2:03 p.m.


Ciao sandralanza,
nessuno ti chiede di spostare tutti e 4 gli account ;)
come avrai letto, questo è il nostro primo passo in questa direzione, quale sarebbe il tuo suggerimento?
Anche dire che è troppo costoso e che preferirei cancellarmi non ci aiuta molto.

Posted May 6, 2024, 8:08 p.m.
Edited by Elro1 May 6, 2024, 8:30 p.m.

Hello Patti/Cratr-People,

Nobody ever said, some solution would be easy...
But it IS do-able....
And here I am responding to your answer on a Post by Malikon.
But also the post from Zu Tyy- is very important.
Why...? Because he is saying what so many people already said over all these years now and are still thinking.
But the response from Cratr is (do not see this as offensive but as positive critisism) nowhere to find.
And sorry, but we do not need to now why something is difficult, because it's the job of programmers to solve it. And again, no negative critisism, but every good craftsman says something is difficult to do.... Why?? Because he is always right: => if he doesn't succeed, he said so. => if he does succeed, he is the good craftsman.

So, what I want to say is: there is a sollution to every problem. But to succeed, Cratr HAS to listen to its customers.
And keep in mind: they are very loyal customers...!!

You already succeeded in creating a Battle server.
Now, why not go further in that direction.
Create a battle server where you can go to, even stay ther if you want to move. But a new kind of battle server. Where you can level and buy the same stuff as on your home server.
If you like to move to that batlle server than there will be no problem. But if you want to go back to your home server, ok, I can see some problems. Solveable. For instance, you go back to the level before you went to that battle server, but you get your battle points. And you have to sell everything you bought there because you can only get the extra gold with you.
And, such a short stay can be for instance for one week free, two weeks 1 mooncoin, three weeks two mooncoins. Or whatever.
Like this, someone can explore this world. See and feel the activity. And than still decide to move after a period.

These are just suggestions.
And I think, a lot of players have also good suggestions...!

Come on Patti, Come on Cratr...!!

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Posted May 7, 2024, 10:22 a.m.

Please, talk for yourself and not all the players. Me and a lot of other players do not like the idea of merging servers, because it is a very bad idea and would ruin the game.

Posted May 7, 2024, 9:23 a.m.

I am buying mooncoins for my character ,,but to buy 4000 coins just for the transfer ,,that is not FAIR,,it must be FREE!!!

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Posted May 7, 2024, 10:22 a.m.

Apply at cratr and move the players yourself for free than ;)

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Posted May 7, 2024, 1:26 p.m.

Very accurate comment, you missed the point as far as possible <clap clap clap>

Posted May 7, 2024, 1:37 p.m.

No, you are missing the point. You think everything in life is for free. So, why don´t you work for free than?

Posted May 8, 2024, 8:12 p.m.

Lord Wrona, You're right...!!

Looks like DMK90 is again in his sad doing, attacking everyone who has another opinion than his one.
Let him be, in a few days he will crawl back under his stone....

Posted May 7, 2024, 1:28 p.m.

yea. my account is almost 10y old. and i think its no worth in moving accounts for prices like that. i am giving up.

Posted May 7, 2024, 10:24 a.m.

As i said in the german forum. It would be the worst of all ideas, to merge the servers. A lot of old players would run away, if they loose their accounts. I saw it in other games, where they brought out a new server every month and merged them into the old ones after a time. They wouldn´t stay active for long. I like it the way it is now, and a move to the INT servers for 4000 coins is a very good solution and a very fair price.

Please also do not speak for "all the players" because there are a lot of players that are against merges, that just don´t look into forums.

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Posted May 7, 2024, 10:14 p.m.

Only YOU use the phrase "all players", nobody else....
And your opinion, is just as good as every other opinion....
But nobody said something about loosing "their account".
No one wants that.
And if you find the offer from Cratr is right, than no problem. For you.
But you must have read, that there are already more people who find it not ok.
But still, they both are opinions.

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Posted May 8, 2024, 6:25 a.m.

You did not directly say it,but you meant it by saying "cratr has to listen to its customers" i am also a customer and i say a merge is a very bad idea. What you said sounds exactly as you wanted to say everyone would support you. There is a good amount of players who are not even in the forum, and also a good amount of players who do not post. The people who want to complain always sound as if they are more, because complainers do post more often. That can be observed anywhere, so it looks like some guys are a lot of people. And yes, a lot of players with accounts on several worlds, would loose their accounts. Not only me. There are a several players with accounts in more than one server. A friend of mine has an active account in nearly every server. He would most of them and probably leave. He is one of the older ppl who doesn t even have a forum account. He just wants to play and that since avery long time. And he is not the only one i talked too. There are some who want a merge but also some who oppose it. I have very bad experiences with merges of servers in games though. My whole guild deleted their accounts in another game after a merge, because for us it was ruined. And still the ppl who wanted to merge werent satisfied, because a lot of players left and it was dead again. It is a very complicated topic in older games.

Posted May 7, 2024, 4:27 p.m.

My only concern is that I've got no ability to make a decision on where to end up beyond a post on discord by Patti confirming that I can go to any of the INT worlds mentioned because my level is low enough.

For me to commit to moving, I need more information in order to make an informed choice.

If I'm going to move, and my new home as the same number of active targets in my ability to beat/level range then there's no point in me spending more coins than my next pointy stick to have the same experience of the game.

and while it doesn't say loads beyond my longevity, I am a "top 20" knight on my homeworld across all metrics worth being at the top off (and 5th for damage done).

I accept that any merger puts those achievements out the window - but it would still be sad all the same to lose out on some of that sense of (time based) achievement.

I know mergers are possible, we had the Greek servers/worlds merged into ours in the past which set me back a bit in the rankings.

So while I am interested in a move, I don't think I can sign up for one at the moment.

Grimm Moderator
Posted May 7, 2024, 8:14 p.m.

Edit: *As I already wrote in the German section yesterday, somebody stated the wish to read the translated version So here it is!.

I am a player like you. So yes, I'm also waiting for new items and yes, also for the Battleground update.
But: I also know that if everything was as simple as we imagine it to be, then...

it would have been here long ago ¯_( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)_/¯

I didn't really want to comment on the topic here at all, but nobody can stand to see that <.<

What I read out was that an attempt was made here to fulfill the wish to transfer a character to another
game world and to offer this to all players.

Without going into the mentioned price, I don't understand what's so wrong with it if the transfer to a
another world should cost something. Apparently it involves a certain amount of effort that someone has to put in.
In this case, the developer.

If you work overtime, you want to be paid for it or be allowed to work it off... don't you?

Suppose you were to carry out a consolidation as described by one or the other:
From the player's point of view, what would speak in favor of or against merging the old game worlds?


  • more active players mean a greater chance of winning gold in battles
  • more guild wars
  • new rivals spur players to play more actively to outdo the others
  • Multi-knight players need fewer coins because fewer knights ^.^


  • (yes, this really is a con) fewer dead chars = fewer opportunities to earn XP in battle
  • players with multiple chars have to decide which of them they have to part with
  • you have to switch whether you want to or not. Or be deleted together with the old worlds
  • large level differences are present even without INT characters
  • Players who were inactive during the merge will probably lose all their chars

And because I like to look at it from several sides and it affects us all...
here are a few points that would come to my mind if I were the operator:


  • Fewer game worlds = less administration (time saving)


  • Many players stop playing the game (reduction in revenue)
  • Multi-knight players need fewer coins because there are fewer knights (reduced turnover)

Assuming that the transfer to a new, empty world was optional, the problem would be
that there would be very few players there and that would make the whole project completely absurd.

Whether voluntary or forced. In my opinion, such a project is simply not worthwhile.

No matter how you look at it, merging would scare a lot of players away and, as a result
a lot of money that would ensure the continued existence of our beloved games. No matter whether KF or MG.

It would make more sense to attract new players or win back old players.

It would be nice if there was more money to be able to afford one or two more programmers.
Then some updates would also progress more quickly.

Or you could pull the plug at some point because the players are getting fewer and fewer and the costs are eating up the income.

¯_(. > ᴗ <.)_/¯

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Posted May 8, 2024, 4:47 a.m.

Completely disagree with you. How can you say that meeging the servers is a cons with earning XP? Its quite opposite, more players earn XP and they move up lifting other players that are below them. Project not worthwhile? So you rather sit on your server with 2 other players within your range? if that makes you happy that here is a trophy for you 🏆
We need to merge many servers (every 5 servers into 1) so there is more joy with fighting others and at the same time spurs competition. many servers are dead now. Do you think people will keep playing much longer? Give them opportunity to move and play like in old days.

Posted May 8, 2024, 6:09 a.m.

Perfectly written. Exactly that. A merge would be the worst and afterwards all the crying ones here, would cry again.

Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 8, 2024, 7:46 p.m.
Edited by Patti May 8, 2024, 8:56 p.m.

Hello everyone,
we will move the game accounts on Monday, there are currently still requests coming in, and we would like to move them all in one go, so tickets that we receive by Monday morning will be moved with us, then only again at the next move.

Your CRATR.games Team

Posted May 9, 2024, 6:25 a.m.

Hello knights,
very good idea, but way too expensive.
that would have interested me otherwise.🙁

Patti CRATR.games
Posted May 14, 2024, 7:02 p.m.

Hello everyone,

all relocations, even if somewhat delayed, are now completed by the players who had additionally confirmed, we wish you lots of fun on your new dream world.

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Posted May 15, 2024, 2:34 p.m.

would be cool with a list of where players went.

INT1 have ~15 new that i can see, all probably WAR members by the looks of it.

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