Posted Sept. 5, 2024, 8:01 a.m.
Good day everyone. Trust this finds you all in good spirit. We all understand the benefits of purchasing Mooncoin items. Early gameplay this can be a great help but later in the game, it is not worth with. I understand money has to be made. I agree that a 50% return is fair on gold items. But should there not be a 50% return on Mooncoin items once sold. Not only will this make it actually viable to sell items that you spend physical money on, but you will get more people investing in mooncoin items later in the game. If the aim of this game is to take as much money from the customer, then I understand not changing anything. But if you want to have growth and let more people get into the game. Its definitley something that needs to be looked at. I first played this game in 2008 - 2009 and always enjoyed the gameand friends that were made along the line. Thank you again and I do wish all of you the best. |
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thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions, I'll pass it on to our developer :)
I wish you a great start to the weekend