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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereIdeas → Remotivate low lvl

Posted Oct. 17, 2024, 2:05 p.m.

Hello everyone.

I'm making this topic to answer a problem that has existed since the dawn of time on Knight Fight: as long as high lvl are active, it is very complicated to catch up with them if you are not there when the server launches. Especially since Battleground exists.

Today, I see it on INT6, the most recent server. Many low lvl or mid lvl give up, saying to themselves "the very high lvl are too high, I will never be able to catch up with them". Even with a maximum investment of time and money by chaining Battleground sessions with 400 attacks, it is almost impossible, unless you aim for the very very long term.

So here are some solutions that I thought of.

  1. Review how Battleground works and the progression of difficulty. Today a low lvl has as much difficulty as a very high lvl to obtain victories. One solution would be to review the way the code generates zombies so that the difficulty of the battleground, in addition to being adapted to lvl and statistics, is progressive. A low lvl would have to be able to chain victories much more easily than a high lvl. This would slow down the progression of high lvl while accelerating that of low lvl.

  2. Create events on the game worlds. Examples: Double XP week for all characters who have a lvl between 1 and 50. For a week, each of their XP gains will be doubled. We can couple this with a doubling of the inn's gains, or make it a separate event. Create events on the Battleground, such as an invasion of weak zombies for 4 days, to encourage everyone to rush to take advantage of it to have an excellent session. We can even consider events that promote competition. Over a week, the 10 players who have earned the most Gold via attacks on other players win a reward, not necessarily mooncoins, but it can be pieces of equipment adapted to their level, etc.

  3. Reduce the price of Battleground sessions, to make it more accessible and encourage the lowest levels (and the smallest budgets) to do more sessions. Today, given the server population, it is not possible to hope to progress without doing Battleground sessions. You will tell me "yes but they can play for free". Certainly. But today, Knight Fight is a bit pay-to-win. To win, you have to pay the premium, you have to pay the tavern bonus, you have to do paid BG sessions, you need high-performance gear, which is systematically the gear that costs mooncoins. This is the economic model of Knight Fight and I don't think we will change anything. But at the very least, make it cheaper for the Battleground which has become TOO important in the progression of the game to be so expensive.

These are just a few ideas. I think that today, it is important to have a reflection on this subject if we want to hope that the servers remain competitive and do not systematically empty a few months after their opening.

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted Oct. 29, 2024, 7:41 p.m.


a revision of the generator of the NPCs is not easy, as we had announced at that time, there was a project which dealt exactly with it and have written a completely new code to it, but which is on EIS for the time being, because it showed as announced big hurdles in the basic code, and just makes a revision not so easy possible.

Regarding your 2nd idea, this has to be considered and simulated from the ground up and here too, unfortunately, an extra script or module is needed to make this possible, as you can't or shouldn't just change it in the basic code, as something like this can always achieve different results, but yes, we have already discussed such a possibility with double EXP events in the team.

The bad field itself should still be seen as a challenge and not as a way to make quick gold or level jumps, the basic idea at that time was just to carry out overlapping fights with each other :)
As I said, that was the realisation at the time.

We always have promotions where the prices are reduced to the battlefield, of course free remains free, but the other methods are about 50% cheaper :)
So yes, we have recently started this as a ‘slaughter festival’ campaign :)
I think it will be time to do this again soon ;)

Very good ideas that we will take up again in the team. At the time, it was never conceivable that we would move accounts to other game worlds. Now this is possible, even if it took a lot of work and time to develop, but we are happy that we were able to implement it, as it was also a player's wish, and I believe we have chosen the best option from x possibilities and also advantages and disadvantages.

So when giving our answers, we always take the current situation into account to determine whether something is possible or not.

I hope I was able to go into this a little bit :)

Posted Oct. 17, 2024, 7:34 p.m.
Edited by Viking Oct. 20, 2024, 6:37 a.m.

I think we should make you an admin, because you only have good ideas👍

Other idea: an XP bonus to win in the lottery.

Posted Oct. 29, 2024, 3:28 a.m.

Knightfight used to be alot of fun back when they didnt have dead servers everytime you turn around its supposed to be a game that you can be competitive and build guilds and have guild wars Thats what makes so fun and you dont have to instantly move up to the top ...I would like to see more guilds formed with the lower level players like myself so we can have the guild wars at least because thats what makes it fun for me but all i see in int6 is a bunch of inactive players that i guess are getting bored and just leaving without even deleting their knight and the few guilds that are active are just doing nothing i see alot of 1 2 and 3 member guilds that say they are recruiting but they are really not..i know i have tried to join with no reply one way or another I played back when us server 1 was active and had alot of fun in the wars ( CINTAR) Im going to keep trying but if it doesnt get better i guess i may move on for good

Posted Oct. 29, 2024, 10:28 a.m.

I agree imo the BG "killed" KF as a game where the slow and steady approach was still viable.

If you wanted to level up you had to fight on your own server and hit upwards.

Guild wars made sense - because we could gain xp by taking part,

now it's just a ptw model - spam 400 coin battle sessions for max growth potential.

IMO - the BG should be nice occasional addition and not the main source of XP or money.

Throw in the inbalances that haven't been addressed and we get new servers full of beserkers and then if your stats are lower (level too) you know pretty much immediately if you can win or lose a fight.

Posted Oct. 31, 2024, 11:46 p.m.

1.Open a classic server without BS.
2. Finally start rewarding the fighting knights, according to the rule:

  • Each fight:
  • (my_level-opponent_level)>0 and (my_level-opponent_level)<6 -- 1 point exp

*Each won fight

  • (my_level-opponent_level)=0 -- 2 points
  • (my_level-opponent_level)<0 and (my_level-opponent_level)>-5 -- 3 points
  • (my_level-opponent_level)<-4 -- 5 points
  • (my_level-opponent_level)>5 -- -5 penatly points

In the case of a victory in defense, we multiply the above by 2.

  1. Add experience points from the mission at the inn:
    1-4h - 1 exp
    5-8h - 2 exp
    9-12h - 3 exp

  2. Add an item to the equipment that will increase the profit from the gold won (standard 5-10% of opponent's account balance)

(6-11%) costs 500MC/30days
(7-12%)costs 1K MC/30days
(8-13%)costs 1.5K MC/30days
(9-14%)costs 2K MC/30days
(10-15%)costs 2.5KMC/30days

  1. Give negative values ​​to the strength of 2H weapons

  2. Remove the possibility of buying statistics for MC in the initial phase after the server launch

  3. Reward players who wage wars in guilds. For starters, you can easily make a mechanism:

exp_to_player=(total wins/members_in_guild)

That's it for the beginning. Then the player will not have to look for exp and gold on BS and will focus more on competing on the home server.

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Posted Nov. 26, 2024, 2:32 p.m.

Then the player will not have to look for exp and gold on BS and will focus more on competing on the home server.

Hahaha, it's all about pushing you to the BS so you spend coins.

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