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moonID.net - Please discuss stuff about moonID hereDiscussions → unevenness during hunting

Posted Dec. 14, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

I just started playing but I have a problem and I would like to know if there is any matchmaking for the hunts, as I mentioned I have not been playing for very long and I am low level, my problem is that people are attacking me every day several times being too many levels above me so much that they are more than 100 levels above me and I wanted to know if something can be done since it is annoying because they steal the little gold that I can get in the daily hunts.

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Patti CRATR.games
Posted Dec. 19, 2024, 6:10 a.m.

Good morning,

the most important thing is always to make sure that when you go hunting or want to go hunting that you can heal up and never leave gold lying around.

maybe this will also help you : MG beginner guide

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