I don't know whether the admins are still interested in adding new features to the game, but here is an idea that I think should be relatively easy to implement. A daily Guild Boss that every guild member can attack, and get rewarded with experience points and gold.
Guild Boss will have a battle efficiency for each level. Every time it gets killed, the next level guild boss will be tougher. And once it gets killed, the next level boss (with a higher battle efficiency) spawns immediately.
In line with the difficulty level of the boss, it will have a specific HP, attack, defense, and stats. Just like us, players. It will also have an HP regen, which forces guild members to team up and kill it before it refills its HP.
It gets reset every 24 hours. So let's say the final level is 10 for the guild boss, and you killed the level 5 boss in the 24 hours period, the next day it will start from level 1 again.
Each player can hit the same level guild boss only once a day. If you hit the level 5 boss, for instance, you cannot hit the level 5 boss again on the same day. However, if the guild manages to kill it and get to see the level 6, then you can hit that level 6 boss.
Once a member hits the guild boss, it will be safe from attacks for 10 minutes.
A certain gold and exp reward for each level guild boss, therefore every member gets the same reward.
Every member gets the reward regardless of their participation.
A "claim the reward" button so that players won't automatically receive gold and get caught with gold when they are in Tavern.
The reward can be collected after the reset. For example, a guild killed the level 3 boss in the 24 hours period. It gets reset, the level 1 boss spawns, and the reward button appears for the previous 24 hours period so that they collect their total reward (level 1+2+3).
A detailed report section where everyone can see which players hit and how much damage.
A little work to be done for sure, but it is essentially putting automatic bot players (boss) that we can attack daily. It can be simpler or more complex, some things can be removed, added, or changed, but the idea is there. Such a feature would make guilds way more important and functional, and finally give us something new to be excited about.