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News → 2018 → 10 Page:  1

Halloween Premium special Oct. 23, 2018

The Halloween Premium special is valid from October 22nd at 10:00 p.m. (in-game time) until November 12th at 10:00 p.m. (in-game time). The Premium special involves a 50% increase in the amount of Premium currency credited for each package purchased.

  • moonID - 50% more moonCOINs are credited for each moonCOIN package purchased
  • MonstersGame - 50% more Blood Crystals are credited for each Blood Crystal package purchased
  • KnightFight - 50% more jewels are credited for each jewel package purchased

Important notices about the Halloween Premium special:

  • The Halloween special affects ALL Premium currency packages (e.g. moonCOIN packages, jewel packages, Blood Crystal packages, Platinum packages etc.) that are purchased during the special. Any packages BOUGHT after the 12th of November at 10:00 p.m. (in-game time) will only be credited as normal Premium currency packages.

  • We cannot credit any “lost Halloween Premium special bonus” for packages bought late or received after the stated Halloween special period of validity. If the payment AND receipt of the packages in your account have not taken place until the 12th of November at 10:00 p.m. (in-game time), we cannot carry out any manual credits to your account. For this reason we strongly suggest that you participate early if you want to take advantage of the Halloween special.

  • Additionally, we must point out that any bank transfers made from outside of Germany can take several days to complete, especially if the transfers are made from outside of the European Union. As stated above, we cannot carry out a manual credit for any payments received after the Halloween Premium special has expired, so please consider this before making a transfer.

Your RedMoonStudios Team


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