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News → 2021 → 11 Page:  1

Advent Advent... Nov. 28, 2021

Uncle Pumpkin is not yet rolled off the field, there flames already the first Advent.

Maybe some of you haven't noticed it yet. With the payment update, we have also revived the coupon function. Here are test candidates. Who comes first...


If it stopped working, the coupons were already taken.
And yes everyone only one cross!
Santa Claus is still coming.

CRATR 1. Advent

[KF] KnightFight: Weapon Sharpening Nov. 19, 2021

Hello knights,

Thanks again to everyone for the information about the display error in the overview of the defense reports. We were able to find the cause quickly.

As part of the update week, the reports now show the level of Weapon Sharpening.

Your CRATR.games/team 😅

KnightFight: Weapon Sharpening

#knightfight #update

[KF] KnightFight Update from 2 am (UTC) Nov. 9, 2021

KnightFight update stage 3 (16.-17.11.)

We are currently rolling out the last stage of the update. In the process, some older fight reports will be deleted. If everything fits now, we are through on that front.
Please then once again eyes open and all oddities into the: ->Bug Forum.
Thanks for your help 🌼

Noble knights -

As you can see, KnightFight has received a dramatic update. The technology is now up to date again and the game is in top form in terms of speed and security.

The reason for the update is the launch of the new combat system. The system has been completely rebuilt, the dice luck has been re-implemented and everything has been put on a deterministic basis. For the frontline, this means less perceived arbitrariness, fairer fights and thus toitoitoi more fun in the game. At the same time, every single battle can be analysed from a seed, so that we can optimise the balancing much better in the medium term.

The new battle system is immediately followed by Battleshare: every knight can now share his battle directly. The link to the battle can be copied from the browser bar or distributed via the Battleshare service. We will also visually enhance the Battleshare link.

After the launch of the new battle system, the old battle reports are now expiring on the battlefield. This will take another week, then we will move on to the construction site.

First of all, here and as Patti has already written, if you notice any issues with the new combat system, please post them in the bug section without being shy. Even if you notice something small, everything helps ->Bug Forum

Tonight (10th of November) from 2am (UTC) before sunrise -
KnightFight will get an update.

The game may still be unavailable after sunrise -
we are on it ⚔️

Thank you for your understanding!
Your CRATR.games Team

KnightFight Battleground


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