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News → 2023 → 11 Page:  1

KnightFight battleground, ring and server Nov. 30, 2023

We have just inserted three changes:

  1. battleground: get enough one-handers on the board, that's what was lacking at the moment
  2. the Wedding Ring of Perdition got a new name for the good side, the good guys should also have some of the luck
  3. have largely eradicated the term "server". If you find another one, please report it to a!

This had to be done quickly, sorry for the surprise and the short downtime.

KF Update

QualityMatch: New Pricing Nov. 30, 2023

The generous, extended test phase with our popular Cash for Action provider Quality Match is now coming to an end. This means that a new pricing model will be introduced from December 1st and tested over the next few weeks. During this period, payouts will be limited to one MoonCoin per work package. We hope that the new model will allow higher payouts again next year. The old prices still apply today:

-> Payment

Update QualityMatch

#moonID #payment #QualityMatch #CRATRgames #AI

Full Moon 🌕 Nov. 28, 2023

Why do you like the full moon?

The first ten comments on the post will receive 300 MoonCoins.


  • One comment per player
  • Automatic credit tonight
  • Howl at the moon 🐺

We wish you a successful hunt!

MonstersGame Full Moon 2311

#fullmoon #monstersgame #moonID #promotion #event #CRATRgames #browsergame

KnightFight: New Moon Nov. 13, 2023

You good knights,
the MonstersGame Darklings have been supplied with codes on the full moon for long enough. The new moon is now yours!

Here's how it works:

  1. Comment here with your code
  2. Redeem the code in the payment
  3. Enjoy the darkness


KnightFight: NewMoon

Halloween is over Nov. 1, 2023

but our promotion and the good old Uncle Pumpkinhead are still running -
get up to 50% more MoonCoins now: Halloween Premium Promotion


#cratrgames #monstergame #knightfight #promotion #halloween


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