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News → 2019 → 6 Page:  1

moonID presents Slayer of Souls June 20, 2019

Since seven years we would like to recommend the first new moonID game to you. Please throw a block in Slayer of Souls, which was created by our friends at media2Art (Days of Evil, My funny Garden) and features a wonderful antihero and some well-known elements from our games MonstersArmy / MonstersGame / KnightFight. Enjoy soul eating at Slayer of Souls - the game is actually only in German language available.

Information about the applied bugfixes June 18, 2019

Hello again,

To follow up with our last announcement, the update we've been rolling out has been to address a few important issues that would make it easy for attackers to crash our servers or cause significant lag.

The reason we didn't go into more detail earlier was to prevent creative minds out there to use it against us before we are able to fully patch our infrastructure.

Our first mitigation, hours before our scheduled downtime, was to simply disable TCP selective acknowledgment, which is there to reduce bandwidth usage in case a packet got lost and has to be retransmitted. This typically is only relevant if you're experiencing an unstable connection, eg. due to networking issues. Temporarily disabling this avoids being susceptible to trivial server crashes by an attacker.

Additionally, we've rolled out bugfixes for a few related issues, which would allow attackers to significantly slow down our services with minimal to moderate effort.

If you want to know the full technical details, you can read up on it here:


Thanks for your patience and if you followed our recommendation at the end of the last post: Enjoy your coffee/tea :-)

Important bugfixes being applied tonight at 3 AM German time June 17, 2019

Hi everybody and apologies up-front,

We need to patch up our infrastructure to mitigate a few security-related bugs that came to our attention, which we'll announce in detail in a follow-up post afterwards. The downtime will be around 5 minutes and it will take place on Jun 18 at 03:00 AM German time. This will impact all of our servers, so be sure to take a short coffe (or tea) break :-)

Best regards
Your moonID team

PayPal transfers work again June 13, 2019

Customers still waiting for transfers yesterday, please practice patience. Sorry also from our side for the circumstances.

actually got PayPal some problems to route transactions in some countrys. Please use different payments. We will keep you updatet.

Update from PayPal: "Payments are not lost, only take a little longer to credit."

Small mobile bugfix release deployed June 9, 2019

We've just deployed a small fix, which makes it easier to navigate and post in the forum using mobile devices.

Downtime KnightFight June 1, 2019

after a hard disk failure this morning (01.06.19 | 05:27 CEST) we had a ten minute downtime at the following KnightFight servers:

  • CZ 1, 3 and 4
  • DE 7 and 12 - 14
  • ES 3 + 4 and 6 - 8
  • PT 2, 5, 7, 8 and 10
  • SK 1
  • UK 8 - 10
  • US 3
  • PL 6-9
  • HU 2
  • NL 1
  • FR 1 and 7
  • IT 7 + 8

The system is back again. We apologize for any inconvenience and wish you a great weekend!


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