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HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🖤 Oct. 22, 2022

Hello knights and monsters,
it's that time again: trick or treat 🍬

That means for you, our Premium Promotion with 50% more MoonCoins for all MoonID purchases runs this year from 22.10.22 / 22:00 until 12.11.2022 / 22:00.

👉 Premium Promotion

For MonstersGame players, the good, sometimes cruel Uncle Pumpkinhead is back in the game. We are curious who will be the first to report him here this time or via the relevant social channels under #onkelkuerbis.

Thank you for your support and loyalty!


#cratrgames #monstergame #knightfight #promotion #halloween

KnightFight Bugfix 12.09.2022 Sept. 12, 2022

Tonight at 03:00 AM CEST a KnightFight bugfix will be applied.

Fix image proxy caching in player profile descriptions
Fix invalid female eyebrow variation in avatars
Fix language of emails always being English
Fix text overflow on weapon upgrade page
Fix wrong images for recently added soul stones
Limit level to a maximum of 1000
Replace jewels icon by battlepoints icon on Battleground

  • Thanks to .DaRKKNeSS. and EdgarMK for the Italian and Spanish translations.

This update is necessary for the upcoming Battleground update.
The game will be unavailable for 1-2 minutes.

[MG] The Battle for the Top, Game World MG INT 1 and INT 2 Sept. 3, 2022

Hello vampires and werewolves,
it's time to go head-to-head (player vs. player). We look at the top 100 fighters and the top 10 win. The event runs only on MonstersGame INT 1 and INT 2.

How do you take part?
Simply from 11.09.2022 15.00 h until 18.09.2022 15.00 h you fight on INT 1 and INT 2 what the elders give. During this period we will count your fights (7 days), it doesn't matter if you won, lost or drew.

The winner receives 5,000
2nd place receives 3.000
3rd place receives 1.000
the top 10 get 500 MoonCoins each.

There is one rule, we do not allow any sitting during this period.

May the ancestors be with you!

Guilds / Clan introductions and search Sept. 1, 2022

Hello all,

ZuTyy- and my wenigkeit have brought back the area for guilds / clan area to introduce, / apply and search here on moonid,
we would be glad if this area finds again appeal and you diligently your guilds / clan introduces or gladly also search for it can be posted from now on there :)
For questions in this area we are available to you with pleasure.

For KnightFight guilds : Here

For MonstersGame Clans : Here

We would be happy to receive your suggestions and ideas.

Your CRATR.games Team

Summertime Premium Action ends today Aug. 22, 2022

so don't miss it: we take the last orders for our summer premium with plus 50% MoonCoins up to 10 pm today 😀⏰
👉 Premium Action

Have a good time!

Knight in the woods

#knightfight #monstersgame #cratrgames #action #sale

A new QualityMatch has started Aug. 12, 2022

Hello all,

the colleagues from QualityMatch have rolled out an update today to fix the bugs caused by the last time, at the same time the statues and dolls have been retired, so watch out!

You have to decide if the human is completely visible on the picture (Yes, thumbs up) or not (No, thumbs down).

We wish you a lot of fun with this and hope that everything will work as usual again.

CRATR Summertime Aug. 1, 2022

Mea Culpa, it has been quiet here for a long time, too long! These are the reasons:


we roll out the Battleground relaunch today, everything is new. Nudists zombies are history, zombies are abundant, the BE goes higher. So that you can test in detail and find your way around again, the well-known Battleground action starts immediately. What a nut!
The next round will be about optimization for mobile and we will start a test project to merge game worlds.
To keep you up to date here and in the future, ZuTyy will support you as official KnighFight contact from today on. He will also plan the next big KnightFight battles.

MonstersGame Relaunch

Turned out to be an even bigger and harder nut to crack and unfortunately we had to scrap our existing approach and are now starting all over again. In order to get the project on the desired flight level in the next attempt, we have brought back an experienced producer in Dan, who will also push the project with the game funding. One thing is for sure, the next MonstersGame will be strongly mobile based.


To ensure that we are also prepared in this area, we took a huge opportunity and merged with a Hamburg-based company that has already successfully launched three mobile games. So we get games, with Atlas a technical base and with Stephan and Dino two new super shareholders and top developers in the crater.

Heart of Muriet

Microtale and Matthias are making fantastic progress in the world of Muriet. Here we go with a Kickstarter in the next few weeks and in all likelihood, then a Steam Early Access in the first quarter of next year. On Steam Wishlists is already going.


Thanks to the Hamburg-based initiative Gamecity, we will be presenting Heart of Muriet at Gamescom in the Indie Arena Booth, i.e. at our own booth. Game designer Matthias will be in Cologne this weekend, while Patti, Dan, a! and I will be holding down the fort in sections and are of course looking forward to your visit.

Summertime Premium

In any case we wish you a peaceful summer, stay healthy, have fun in the CRATR.games and as meanwhile already good tradition, we want to thank you for your loyalty with the Summertime Premium Action: 👉 Premium Action

Have a good time!

Knight in the woods

#heartofmuriet #knightfight #monstersgame #cratrgames #action #sale #gameroasters #gc22

New QualityMatch starts today July 29, 2022

Hello all ,
The guys from QualityMatch have announced that the bikes will be leaving today and will be replaced by something new.

Is it a statue or a mannequin where you have to differentiate.

Good luck and of course have fun together.
-> moonid.net/payment ->Cash for Action

Offerwall is available again July 6, 2022

Hello everyone,
we are happy to announce that Offerwall is now available again under our payment action.

We wish you a lot of fun and many MoonCoins.

Your CRATR.games Team

[MG] The Battle for the Top Game World MG DE 24 and DE 25 June 7, 2022

Hello vampires and werewolves of MonstersGame DE 24 and DE 25,

it's time to go head-to-head (player vs. player). We look at the top 100 fighters and the top 10 win.

The event runs only on Monstersgame DE 24 and DE 25.

How to participate? Simply from 12.06.2022 15.00 h until 19.06.2022 15.00 h you fight on DE 24 and DE 25 what the elders give. During this period we will count your fights (7 days), it doesn't matter if you won, lost or drew.

The winner gets 5.000
2nd place receives 3,000
3rd place receives 1.000
the top 10 get 500 moonCoins each.

There is one rule, we do not allow any sitting during this period.

May the ancestors be with you!

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