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Trick or treat Oct. 22, 2020

Hello you monsters and knights,
it's time for trick or treat again, that means for you that we start our -> premium action from 22.10.2020 from 22.00 o'clock until 12.11.2020 22.00 o'clock.

For the MonstersGame players the good but cruel Uncle PumpkinHead can be found in the game from time to time.

We are curious to see who will find him first and who will get him this time, please post your results here or via our social channels.

Thanks a lot for all your support.

moonID: Halloween2020

[MG] Blood drop error Oct. 2, 2020

Hello everybody,
on some worlds of MonstersGame there was a problem with receiving drops of blood if payment was not made via moonID.
As a small compensation we will give a bonus to the affected players.

The -WAR- Guild invites you! Start on 10.10.2020 Sept. 28, 2020

The -WAR- Guild invites you!
At the end of the year it will be exciting again, as the last event for the year 2020 there will be a tournament on server DE15.

Organised by (ZuTyy-) and supported by RedMoon with moonCoins.

For the start the 10.10.2020 is planned.

In the tournament eight guilds have the chance to win big prizes. Every player of the guild will receive:
#1 3.000 moonCoins
#2 2,000 moonCoins
#3 1,000 moonCoins

The following medals are also to be won:

Everyone will receive a medal for participating in the tournament:

To make it as fair as possible the guilds have to be relatively equally strong, which is not easy with about 40-50 participants as the levels are very different.
ZuTyy-: "We have consciously decided not to let our strongest players participate in the tournament. Everybody should have the possibility to get into the first three places. Three of our -WAR- guilds will participate, but they are well mixed and adapted to the server. Fun and fairness is, as always, our top priority".
To participate in the tournament you only need to create a guild of 5-6 players that is approximately as strong as the other participating guilds. Afterwards a message to ZuTyy-, he will register you.
The current tournament schedule can be found here:

Current tournament schedule:

We hope for many participants and wish you all good luck!

KnightFight Hotfix from 23.09.2020 Sept. 24, 2020

We have recorded a hotfix that night, which changes the state for the life energy and experience points in KnightFight.
Furthermore, the attack button is now always shown and only after a click is it asked whether the opponent is attackable at all.

MonstersGame and KnightFight on Twitter Sept. 17, 2020

Hello dear knights and dear monsters,

You will be sent a carrier pigeon: we would like to announce with pleasure that we have now expanded in the social area and are now also on Twitter with KnightFight and with a Monstersgame Twitter account on the road, there we will also tweet news, information and much more.

-> Twitter KnightFight
-> Twitter MonstersGame

Payment update tonight Sept. 13, 2020

from Monday 14.09. 3 o'clock in the morning and/or at night no more purchases can be transacted. The update is tested, but if in doubt, better bunker some moonCoins moonCoin today.

Of course we will keep you up to date and wish you a good Sunday!

The winner of the Knightfight PL-GER event is... Sept. 8, 2020

... it was very close, for a short time the German guild led, in the end Poland won the victory, congratulations from our side as well. You all fought strong and brave, knights on both sides.
Special thanks to Spartacvsqt who planned and supervised this event.
Time to welcome all knights in the tavern and invest their earned coins in delicious meat.

Your Knightfight Team

Note moonID Update Aug. 18, 2020


Hello, everyone,
the following updates have been made:


But first a warning, currently there are news on the road again with mail addresses and links for bug usage, apart from the fact that this bug does not exist, there were already the first account thefts with this scam. Please do not click on unknown links or even worse installed programs. Remember, we never want to know your password.


  • moonID design
    now almost in dark mode, so that even the owls and early risers are no longer dazzled.

  • moonID Update Tech
    A lot has been done in the background for administrative processing etc., tickets and administration now run more easily.

  • Delete moonID account
    It is now possible to delete your Moonid account yourself instead of writing us a ticket as before. Instructions can be found in the FAQs.

  • FAQ https://moonid.net/support/faq/ was extended. Please give us feedback on it.

  • Guild war on KnightFight DE15
    If you are not yet registered, here is a big user event: https://moonid.net/forums/topic/3790/

  • The best profile, clan or guild description
    We are always looking for the most beautiful new descriptions! You haven't been there yet? Then apply here:
    the winner receives moonCoins

  • Premium summer special
    Our Premium Promotion runs until 22.08.2020 and ends at 22.00 hrs

Summer special 2020 Aug. 1, 2020

Dear knights and monsters, since it‘s getting warmer, we‘d like to compensate your sweat a little with a summer premium special starting today, the 01.08.2020 at 22:00 and lasting until 22.08.2020.


  • We can‘t retroactively credit any packages as "summer special packages". Payment AND crediting must be completed by 22.08.2019 at 22:00. In this context we would like to point out that the crediting of bank transfers from abroad can take several days. Even in case of a late credit note, we are not able to carry out belated payments.

    Enjoy the summer and have fun playing,

    Your RedMoon Studios team
[MG] We present the current players who have fought the most these days! July 4, 2020


We present the current players who have fought the most these days:

International Monster Game Server 2

1st place: furio with 267 fights
2nd place: Microp with 259 fights
3rd place: AleSeko with 201 fights
4th place: Biscoter with 162 fights
Place 5: Bevvie with 154 fights

International Monster Game Server 1

1st place: [SB] LouisDerVampyr with 127 fights
2nd place: [PVG] Jill_Kramer with 86 fights
3rd place: [PVG] Chainsaw with 59 fights
4th place: ~PVG~ {~TAKER~} with 47 fights
Place 5: [RSK] Royo with 33 fights

Monster Game Server 25 DE

1st place: skleinerteufel3315 with 219 fights
2nd place: Comtesse de Chauve-Souris with 211 fights
3rd place: Wolfstatze with 193 fights
4th place: Tanso with 139 fights
Place 5: LouisDerVampyr with 136 fights

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